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Institute Executive Director Jerr Boschee has been an advisor to social entrepreneurs in the United States and elsewhere for more than 40 years.  He has delivered keynote speeches or conducted master classes in 43 states and 21 countries.
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Articles and Essays by Jerr Boschee (free downloads)

“14 case histories from The Social Enterprise Sourcebook” profiling nonprofits that have successfully started social enterprises

“21 columns appearing in the Social Enterprise Reporter” and later collected in the book Boschee on Marketing

44 essays later collected in Jerr’s Journal: My Adventures in Social Enterprise

“Social Enterprise: A Powerful Engine for Economic and Social Development” (an August 2010 briefing requested by the White House Office of Social Innovation, including an overview of social enterprise that contains key definitions, descriptions of the three basic types of social enterprises, a case statement for investment in the field, a review of the origins of the movement in the United States, and 40 examples of successful social enterprises; Institute Executive Director Jerr Boschee served as principal author, assisted by Lisa Nitze and Corinne Gray.)

“Merging the profit motive and moral imperatives: The rise of the social enterprise movement in the United States” (a spring 2010 essay published by Localis, a U.K. think tank, that explores the origins and growth of the social enterprise field in the U.S. and includes some key definitions)

“Smart nonprofit leaders are finding opportunity in scarcity” (a March 2009 Op-Ed essay from that urges nonprofits to see the current economic crisis as an opportunity)

A key lesson business can teach charities”  (a September 2008 Op-Ed essay from The Chronicle of Philanthropy that bemoans “profit phobia” and calls for nonprofit leaders to pay closer attention to social enterprises in the for-profit sector)

“Doing good while doing well”(as Wall Street reels and the social safety net frays, the growing number of social entrepreneurs offers hope even in the scariest of times — an October 2008 Op-Ed essay from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)

“Remembering John DuRand (1934-2008)” (a profile of the man often called the father of the affirmative business movement)

“Strategic marketing for social entrepreneurs” (adapted from a four-part series appearing originally in the Social Enterprise Reporter)

‘Social innovation’ and ‘social enterprise’: A powerful combination” (from the Social Enterprise Reporter)

“The single greatest challenge: Existing organizational culture is frequently the biggest obstacle for social entrepreneurs” (adapted from a chapter in Migrating from Innovation to Entrepreneurship: How Nonprofits are Moving toward Sustainability and Self-Sufficiency)

“Eight basic principles for nonprofit entrepreneurs” (from Nonprofit World magazine)

“Keep or Kill? Score Your Programs: Use This Tool to Decide Which Activities to Nurture – and Which to Abandon (from Nonprofit World magazine)

Recycling Ex-Cons, Addicts and Prostitutes: The Mimi Silbert Story” (co-written with Syl Jones; published April 2000 in conjunction with The Second National Gathering for Social Entrepreneurs)

“Social Entrepreneurship: Some Nonprofits are Not Only Thinking about the Unthinkable, They’re Doing It – Running a Profit” (a 1995 article from Across the Board, the Conference Board magazine